You are the owner of second hand goods you wish to sell at auction.
Acting as your agent, ave, offers to sell these items for the best possible price.
Who may sell?
Professionals, private, owners and agents.
Documents needed to enter chattels into an ave auction:
ID copy (passport, Identity Card, KBIS).
All administrative documents relative to the lot.
Any documents relative to provenance or attribution which may add value to the lot.
One good 3/4 digital picture of the lot.
Entry form filled in and signed.
Full payment of the entry fees.
Entry Form
Together with ave you fill in the entry form which allows ave to sell, in your name, all listed lots. This document is a legal obligation and a passport to the auction.
An accurate description including all known qualities and faults will increase the lot’s value and chances of selling.
The entry form lists the commissions (entry fees, commission & possible transport charges) and the terms and conditions of the sale.
Lots listed on a signed entry form may only be sold by ave.
As soon as all the above listed conditions are met, ave will include your lots into the appropriate sale.
Vendors are paid out by within 30 days post sale.
Unsold Lots
You are invited clear the sale ground of all your lots within 24hrs of the sale.